It seems that the world became all about black and white, with no color.
People either agree with you, or they are your enemy.
They either love you, or hate you.
They must agree with you, or they are blocked from your social media page.
They have to choose to be on the side of the president / prime minister, or they must hate him.
Likewise, they need to choose a side, love Hashem or leave it all.
Love Israel, live/support Hashem’s land, or hate its people and policies.
You either thank Hashem for sending the ability for scientists to find a vaccine for Covid and you take it, or you find all those who speak out against it, share it with your circle and boycott anyone who is on the “other side.”
What has the world come to? When did everything become so black and white?
When have we lost our ability to see good in people? Yes we can find good and bad in each human being. (Think about a hespid or obituary of a deceased, and you will only hear lots of praise and great deeds done by the deceased, no one brings up their faults or flaws.)
When have we stopped seeking the good and giving people the benefit of the doubt?
Every God-fearing Jew knows that everything in this world is orchestrated by Hashem.
Every president who is elected is placed in the position by Hashem and Hashem has a specific reason which is to advance His master plan for the world and for the coming of Moshiach.
Let’s explore the hot topic of Presidents of the United States. There is no need to hate or take sides about any person, especially a president, you can hate a policy or law he makes but don’t disqualify the person as a whole.
President Barack Hussein Obama: He is a great husband and father, a role model to all of how a family should be and how to take family responsibilities.
Hashem has placed President Obama in a Muslim environment where he grew up, and where he said he became very fond of them, and their call for prayer.
His policies towards Israel was not great and many disliked them. However, when looking at the bigger picture:
We lived in a settlement when we first moved to Israel. President Obama ordered a settlement freeze, which banned Jews from building in our beautiful city that had about 50,000 Jews.
The freeze lasted for a while, but then the building resumed and was done at a very fast pace.
Meanwhile, president Obama implemented a system to bring as many Muslims as possible to the United States. There was a special program where each Muslim family received a nice amount of money for the first year in America, so they can get settled in. (The same system as Israel has for Jews for the full first year when making Aliyah.)
I met a Muslim woman who worked at a Jewish pharmacy in Jerusalem. She and her husband took advantage of that program and lived in America with their 2 children for a few years until they decided to move back to Israel “because in America everything is just too expensive” she said.
Hashem’s hand is clear in appointing President Obama, since he was in office and going strong, thousands of Muslims moved to America (as well as to other countries around the world) leaving Israel for the Jews.
Now, there are Muslims in the highest positions in America and growing at a fast pace. Sharia law is becoming more popular in many American cities. Courts have sided with Muslims over that of human rights activists, who see some of their laws as unfair or harmful to women and children.
We see Hashem is preparing the world for Moshiach/the end of times, America is being handed over to Muslims while Israel is filled with Jews.
Thanks to President Obama’s policies: Arab cities, (one of them on the border of the settlement we first lived in), became empty as most residence moved to America. This is a win-win situation for everyone. The Arabs are happy to live in America, and we Israelis are happy to live in the land that Hashem has given to his Jewish Nation over 3,500 years ago and again after the Holocaust when Hashem saw to it that the United Nation declares it a Jewish County and Jews were officially free to return to our rightful home.
President Donald Trump: He is an amazing father, he raised great and refined children, two sons and two daughters, one who is now Jewish and raising Jewish children. He is a successful businessman and is kind and charitable to others.
Hashem created Trump with a very big sense of self-confidence so that he does not care what people say about him and he does what he feels is right. Many people dislike this specific attribute of President Trump.
His policies toward Israel: He has the guts to do what congress has ordered the president to do many years ago. Those before Trump either fell for the pressure from anti-Semites, or did not have the guts to follow the ruling from congress to move the Embassy to the Israeli capital Jerusalem, instead they just kept singing executive orders to push off the move for fear of being unpopular.
President Trump did pay the heavy price of becoming unpopular with the Jew haters due to this heroic move. However, Trump will go down in Israeli History as one of the greatest people who ever lived and as a hero to the Jewish Nation for his courage to do the right thing for God and His people.
Hashem chose Trump who was not a politician to become President of the United States, so he can be His messenger to progress Hashem’s plans of officially moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.
In addition: since so many of the extremists have moved to the United States where they can express anti-Jewish views with like-minded people, President Trump was able to successfully assist in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s lifelong dream of creating peace and partnerships with the Jewish Nation and its many Arab neighbor who likewise, want peace in the Middle East.
Instead of looking at every person and situation in black and white, good or bad, love or hate, we need to look for the good in everything and acknowledge the unpleasant parts without blocking others and cutting them off.