As a child, every year, in preparation for the High Holidays, we would go to our Rebbe for a blessing.
Every year it was the same deal, we arrived to the waiting room of the Rebbe and meet many others who came for the same purpose, to get the Rebbes blessing for a great new year.
Every year we arrived early and waited for our turn. It took many long hours of waiting, way past our bedtime. We tried helping mother entertain their young children, who were getting restless while waiting to enter the chambers of the Tzadik.
As our family grew, our father went ahead of us, he waited in line and called us to come over when it came closer (about half an hour to an hour before) our turn to enter the chambers.
When an “important” person or person with “protectzia” arrived they were escorted into the Rebbes chambers ahead of all others, and the Rebbes door was closed for quite a long time while they spent time with the Rebbe.
When it was finally our turn to go inside, it was very surreal, going into the Rebbes chambers is a small lesson on how we have to behave before and speak to our great father in heaven.
My parents got a few precious moments to speak with the Rebbe while we the children watched and listened before quickly being escorted away from the Rebbe by his assistant.
A few years ago, I met a Rabbanit who I can to adore. Her warmth and love for each Jew is superb. The way she said spoke to each Jew with so much love and devotion, the way she helped each on connect with Hashem and the way she praised Hashem and said Thillim left me uplifted.
In the summer I was in the neighborhood of this very well-respected Rebbanit and went to her home.
I was informed that her doors are no longer open to the public during the day, only at a specific time later in the afternoon.
Her door had a new big gate with a strong lock on it so no one can enter, call out to her or reach her out of her designed time.
Of course, we understand the Rabbanit human and needs time for herself and her own family as well as that she is getting older and may no longer have the energy which she had years ago.
Standing in front of the Rabbanites large bolted door and quite home, I though how lucky are we the Jewish nation that YOUR door Hashem is always open for us!
There is no need for an appointment, no specific hours, no long lines to wait no need for “protectzia” we can speak to Hashem at any time of day or night. We can open our siddur and pray at our convenience time at our pace with no rush and Hashem always hears us, Hashem is here for us all the time!
How lucky are we to be the chosen children of Hashem. How lucky we are that we don’t need the blessing of a human being, all we need is the blessing of Hashem:
יְבָרֶכְךָ ה’ וְיִשְׁמְרֶךָ. יָאֵר ה’ פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ וִיחֻנֶּךָּ. יִשָּׂא ה’ פָּנָיו אֵלֶיךָ וְיָשֵׂם לְךָ שָׁלוֹם
The LORD bless you and protect you! The LORD deal kindly and graciously with you!-
The LORD bestow His favor upon you and grant you peace!