I have always been fascinated by the fact that those things which matter the most in life cannot be purchased with money.
A happy and meaningful relationship is acquired with love, compassion and understanding, not with money.
There are situations where wealthy people pay matchmakers to bring them an eligible woman to marry in exchange for being well taken care of financially. However, there is no way to buy love. A wealthy man can pay a woman to marry him, but he cannot then pay his wife to love him.
Health is acquired by eating healthy home cooked foods which are much cheaper than restaurant food, walking outside, doing at least 10,000 steps a day in the beautiful weather, both of which (walking and nice weather) are free.
Raising children in a calm environment so they can thrive and be happy and productive children, does not cost any money, it just takes love, thought, patience and hugs, which are all free. These free things are the things to create happy memories.
Tip: if you are having a hard day and you feel like screaming at your children, train your mind to assume that your neighbor or friend in now in your home. For some reason, we feel comfortable screaming at or in front of those who are the most precious to us while we would not behave this way in front of a neighbor or friends.
A wealthy person cannot pay for the perfect baby. They, just like everyone else, get whatever Hashem sends them. They cannot choose the gender, nature, behaviors etc. of the child.
A child can be nurtured and taught to be a certain way. However, the end result of how they are as an adult is not in the hands of parents, and no money in the world can change that.
Friends are free. Be sure to pick friends wisely, a good friend who will help you grow spiritually instead of pulling you down. If you have a friend who likes to gossip, run away from them as fast as you can. Never trust a person who speaks Loshen Horah. If they tell you personal things they heard about others, they will also repeat your secrets and private matters to others, even when they promise to keep it a secret.
You get the point. Money does not solve problems, it just makes life a bit easier.
Being a giver, giving to others, doing nice things for others, is what really makes a person happy. Once again, you don’t need money for this. A smile, a kind word and a helping hand are free. Try it, by giving to others, you give the most inner happiness to yourself.
Happiness is a state of mind which has nothing to do with what you have or own. Happiness is a something you have to choose every day.
Hashem created the world in this way, that we need to work and earn money to live. Money is important, but it is not everything. Emunah, health, family and friends are the most precious things in the world, but which money cannot buy.