There seems to be a growing number of people who are struggling with belief, what they believe in and what belief is all about.
Hashem created the world with the need for a person to believe in something that is much bigger and more powerful than them. Every person was created with the need to reach a higher purpose in life.
When you meet a depressed person, you will see that they are struggling with emptiness, and they lack seeing a bigger purpose in life.
Hashem also created the world with בחירה choice. We have the right to choose how to fulfil this human spiritual need.
Look around the world, and you will see that everyone believes in something larger and more powerful than them. Even people who refer to themselves as atheist have a strong belief system.
Some people put their trust and belief in Hashem and are connected to the ultimate truth. These are very happy people. Happiness studies showed that Israel is one of the happiest places on earth, with most of its citizens being very happy with their lives. This is because it is Hashem’s home and most of its citizens are connected to Hashem. (In Israel, even those who are not fully observant, are very connected to Hashem.)
Others put their belief system in civil rights, the rights of minority groups, women’s rights, animals rights, environmental issues etc. Some believe in the cause or power of a human being (dead or alive) they connect and advocate for that cause, such as the government, a rabbi, an imam, a priest or another social influencer.
They connect to the cause for which they give lots of their time and sometimes money without getting anything physical in return. Instead, they get an emotional and spiritual return, by feeling connected to the cause and feeling accomplished for being connected to something outside and greater than themselves.
Those who are not connected to an outside force seem to be feeling empty, suicidal and lonely.
People today are desperately searching for meaning in life. They are searching for some cause to connect to, and once they find their passion, they throw their lives into that cause.
I find it fascinating how many times people pay a high price emotionally, physically and/ or financially for advocating for or being connected to their cause and no amount of begging from loved one or arguments of facts showing the facts being different from their view or reality. Nothing will remove them from their cause.
Why is it that people fall in love with a cause and become stubbornly connected to it?
It’s simple. It is how Hashem designed the world, so we are connected to Him. Our peace in life depends on how close and connected we are to Hashem and His Torah. The more Torah we learn, the more we understand the purpose of the world and the more we understand that Hashem created the world with truth and perfection. He wants us to enjoy his world. He made us human, and he expects us to act human. However, he gave us the Torah as a road map, which we must follow. By following His road map, we travel on the right path that is filled with bright light and happiness.
The Torah writes דרכיה דרכי נעם, Hashem’s Torah is sweet and pleasant. If it is not, you are not following Hashem’s Torah. פיקודי השם ישרים משמחי לב The mitzvahs of Hashem are straightforward and make the heart happy, if you are not happy by doing Mitzvahs, it is not Hashem’s mitzvahs. You may be following something that is being sold as the Jewish Torah, but is not Hashem’s Torah. טעמו וראו כי טוב השם Taste and see that Hashem is good, if you do not see this, your understanding of Hashem is incorrect. כי טוב השם לעולם חסדו, because Hashem is good, he will forever do chessed kindness.