Friendship Marriage
This week, while my husband and I were walking our daughter to school, a car stopped in the middle of the road. The driver, a man who we never saw before, rolled down his window […]
This week, while my husband and I were walking our daughter to school, a car stopped in the middle of the road. The driver, a man who we never saw before, rolled down his window […]
Israel is a fascinating country as it is Hashem’s country. You can speak with two people living in Israel and hear two opposite life experiences, and they can both be correct about their situation. How […]
Today, on Lag Beom’er 4/28/2021, the world was left reeling in tragedy when 45 people died and many others severely wounded in a stampede. This is the first Lag Be’omer that Meron was reopened after […]
We want to save lives. In Jewish law, saving a life is the highest fundamental value in Judaism. In fact, in order to save a life, one is ordered to transgress all the other commandments […]
In Parshas Shemini the Torah tells us the incident of Nudev and Avihu, who were very righteous men the sons of their holy father Aharon Hakohen. They died after they took upon themselves to sanctify […]
The Satan in his powerful efforts, seeks to cause our prayers to be rejected by Hashem by enticing us to speak Loshon Horah (gossip). Hashem loves all his children and does not want to hear […]
During a Shiva call, someone asked the following of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef; when comforting the people, why do we use the word Hamakom which refers to Hashem and also means the place rather than using […]
There is the age-old debate as to which is the better way to raise a family, Working mom or Stay-at-home mom. Being on all sides of this coin, working outside the home, working from home […]
If you look around the world, you will see people searching for meaning and the purpose of life. People are looking for something greater than themselves and to leave a lasting footprint behind in the […]
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