Everyone wants to be in on the latest trends and news, this is human nature. The big tech companies know this, and created what became know as the “social media bubble.”
Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter and all others want YOU on their platforms engaged in content as long as possible.
Why? How are YOU so valuable to them? How is YOUR time so valuable to them?
The more time you spend on their social media platform, the more money they make from advertisers.
Social Media companies spend a lot of money creating algorithms that follow what you read and watch. They follow your interests and hobbies so that they know what YOU like and what YOU care about.
This is good on one side of the coin since they control much of what you see when we log in, you get to see a lot of the content that you like and read articles by people whose views you agree with, and it creates higher levels of engagement.
The consequence: this has lead to a new syndrome known as the “social media bubble,” which leaves many people with skewed worldviews.
Many people unknowingly live in an “algorithm-devised bubble” because when they log into social media, all they are shown by the big tech companies are videos and headlines that conform with their opinion and views.
While current algorithms mean that people more frequently find news and information that they enjoy, the effect can decrease a person’s exposure to diverse opinions and perspectives. Over time, people tend to forget that there are points of view, value systems, ways of life different from their own. This situation distorts reality, slowly destroys and weaken the functioning of society and leads to polarization and conflict in the world.
When a person, who lives in the social media bubble, posts something to their social media based on what the big tech chose to show them, they assume that everyone agrees with their opinion.
When they get a comment from someone who disagrees with their opinions, they assume that the other person is a minority and maybe even an extremist, and they often block this “crazy person” who is “out of touch with reality.”
However, you failed to realize that you never see all the posts, videos, or tweets of everyone you follow. The algorithm chooses what you see. The trending topics that determine the topics of the day? The algorithm chooses them according to what they decide you should like, they do everything, so they can make more money when you can spend more time on their platform.
It is trial and error for them too. They show you news stories, tweets and videos on different topics, so they can see if you open that, read it, engage in it, and if so, they will show you more on that topic.
It is important to recognize the effects and harm of the “social media bubble.” Realize that it is not a threat to you when someone thinks or believes differently than you. By blocking them from your social media, they are not “going away” and their option will not change, you are just falling deeper int the pockets of the big tech companies who need you in order to grow their wealth and their success.
Instead, focus on building your own wealth and success, by being open-minded and listening to all opinions. See if there is any truth in another person’s view. Research the topic from all sides and make an educated decision. Use those experiences to enhance your business and life.