We see a very clear pattern: God gave Israel to His chosen race, the Jewish people, and He handed the Western world to the Muslims. PUSIK Breishis and Nuvi Avodyeh.
God has opened the hearts of the Western world, so they should help Muslims move into their countries with easy immigration rules designed especially for Muslims. In addition, God has put many Muslims into powerful leadership and political positions in all Western countries.
This leads to Muslim leaders setting up many mosques around the Western world, and they attract even more Muslims away from the Middle East to the West.
The trend has allowed for peace and friendship between Israel and the Muslim countries in the Middle East.
In addition to Muslim immigrants to the West, Thousands of Westerners, Americans, British, Canadians etc. are converting to Islam daily.
Studies estimated about 25,000 people are converting to Islam annually in the United States alone. People are fed up with living an empty and immoral life that is dedicated by a few people with an agenda to go against God and His will.
Sharia law is also becoming part of the American legal system, with many judges ruling in favor of Sharia law. In some cases, Americans tried to stop Muslim female circumcision, however, U.S. judges are siding with religious Muslims and allow it.
In addition, in Florida, a judge ordered a restaurant to stop selling pig (which due to God’s commandments Jews and Muslims don’t eat) as the smell disturbed one of the new Muslim residence of the building that housed the restaurant.
Islam will take over and save the West from immorality and turn them into God-fearing countries, while Israel belongs to God and His chosen nation, the Jewish race. Jews from around the world are realizing that God is calling them home, and they no longer belong in diaspora with nations that are rejecting them. 10 million Jews are following God’s commandments for Jews to live in Israel.
Jerusalem, will always stay the undivided capital of Israel, as Jerusalem is where God chose to make His home. PASUIIK. God said that this is a place where all nations of the world can come pray to him.
והביאותים אל הר קדשי ושמחתים בבית תפלתי עולתיהם וזבחיהם לרצון על מזבחי כי ביתי בית תפלה יקרא לכל העמים. (ישעיהו נו ז)
And those who come to my holy mountain and rejoice in the house of prayer, their offerings and sacrifices to desire on my altar, because my house will be called a house of prayer to all
US President Barack Obama implemented a system to bring as many Muslims as possible to the United States. There was a special program of which each Muslim family received a nice amount of money for the first year in America, so they can get settled in. (The same system as Israel has for Jews for the full first year when making Aliyah.) God’s hand is clear in appointing President Obama, since he was in office and going strong, thousands of Muslims moved to America (as well as to other countries around the world) leaving Israel for the Jews. Thanks to President Obama’s policies: Arab cities, (one of them on the border of the settlement we first lived in), became empty as most residence moved to America. This is a win-win situation for everyone. The Arabs are happy to live in America, and we Israelis are happy to live in the land that God has given to his Jewish Nation over 3,500 years ago
Jews and Muslims are cousins, we share an ancestral grandfather, Avruhum. Both races have more in common than differences. Both have helped each other throughout history, but the Western world wants to distort these facts for their own agendas.
The West dislikes minority races, this includes Jews and Muslims, but they are trying to incite one against the other for their own sake. For the past few years, we have seen an increasing intensity in anti-Semitism and at the same time, we have seen the West using the Muslims as a pawn to justify their anti-Semitic views.
By falsely claiming that Muslims are victims of Jews, they have given reason for anti-Semites around the world to harm Jews, while at the same time to Israel’s advantage, the West is using this as a reason to hand out citizenship to Muslims from the entire Middle East. These anti-Semites are standing behind, encouraging and paying the remaining Muslim Palestinians to fight against Israel, and it’s citizens.
However, we clearly see God’s plan and how He uses the Westerns to build Muslim communities around the world by welcoming the Muslims to their countries and into their top political positions. At the same time, In the Middle East, Israel and its Muslims neighbors have made great business deals and live in peace.
The future looks bright for Jews and Muslims, both of whom serve God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and follow God’s commandments.
Those who go against God, Idol worshipers and atheist will become unpopular minorities (as is the case already in the Middle East) under the strict rule of Muslims law, that will rule the Western word. Finally
והיה יהוה למלך על כל הארץ ביום ההוא יהיה יהוה אחד ושמו אחד זכריה יד ט