A man came to our door collecting charity, and he ended up giving me much more than I gave him!
The Torah says there will always be poor people in the world so that we should always be able to give charity.
כי לא יחדל אביון מקרב הארץ דברים טו · יא
We don’t know why or how Hashem chooses who should be on the giving end and who should be on the receiving end. We never know when our situation might change to be the giver or taker.
However, when a person learns to be a giver then even when they are in a situation where they need to take from others, they still find ways to be the one giving to others.
The man knocked on our door, and when I opened, he began telling that he wrote five seforim Hebrew books on Torah. He casually threw in that he recently made a wedding and needed help financially. Then he immediately proceeded in telling me beautiful words on Emunah faith in Hashem in difficult times.
Here is what he shared. “The word Ani Mamin I believe in Hebrew is spelled אני מאמין
If you take the א and place it at the end and read it backwards, it will still be the same words
נימאמיןא he explained that no matter what situation you find yourself things going straight or backwards, good or difficult, remember Hashem is with you, stay connected to Hashem!! Stay A mamin in hashem.”
It states that one who teaches another person even one letter of Torah is considered to be the teacher.
הלומד מחבירו פרק אחד או הלכה אחת או פסוק אחד או דבור אחד או אפילו אות אחת, צריך לנהוג בו כבוד, שכן מצינו בדוד מלך ישראל, שלא למד מאחיתופל אלא שני דברים בלבד, קראו רבו אלופו ומיודעו, שנאמר (תהלים נה יד): “ואתה אנוש כערכי אלופי ומיודעי”. אבות · פרק ו · משנה ג
Here is a man who is on the receiving end, he is in a situation where he needs to knock on people’s door asking for money, yet he used this opportunity to be a giver in the most meaningful way by spreading Hashem’s Torah, Emunah and inspiring others to become even closer to Hashem in whatever life situation or challenge they may find themselves in.
What an inspiration, this man did not go around crying about his plight, instead, he became a giver in the way he was able to, what a positive way to live! This man gave more to the givers than he took from them!
In מסכת אבות, ד פסוק א the Torah teaches us איזהו עשיר השמח בחלקו Who is a rich person? one who is happy with his lot!
Remember: a person’s true wealth is the good he does in the world. A kind word, smile, and listening ear, are free.
Open your heart and mind no matter where in life you are, you can always find a way to give something to others.